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The REAL Reason For Your Crippling Approach Anxiety (and how to fix it)

approach anxiety

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Approach anxiety will completely put a STOP to you living the life and getting that attractive woman you really want. It’s a problem that haunts millions of men all over the world. It is powerful, persuasive, and can last a lifetime.

But it can be beaten. I’m going to teach you exactly how you can overcome approach anxiety.

key takeaways

  • Approach anxiety is the fear of approaching women
  • Every man fears rejection, but it’s essential to understand that everyone faces rejection. It’s about mindset and energy.
  • Decide on an approach style (direct or indirect) and plan what to say.
  • The more you approach women, the easier it becomes. It’s about breaking through the initial fear.

What is Approach Anxiety?

woman walking past while its raining outside

Approach anxiety is like any other social anxiety out there. It is the fear of approaching women.

Most of us have been there.

You see the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. You’ve got the perfect opener in your head. All you want to do is talk to her and take her home, but there is something that’s stopping you from doing it.

You can’t just do it.

You can’t just walk over there and say hello; her beauty has paralyzed you. You may have just gone skydiving and then wrestled a bear, but this “approaching woman” seems to be the most fearful thing you could ever imagine.



The Ultimate Dating Program
  • Learn how to get women without doing pick-up.
  • Completely eliminate the fear of talking to girls.
  • From the conversation to getting numbers, dates and inviting her to your place. 😏

What’s the real reason for approach anxiety?

cold approach anxiety

There are many reasons, each man may be different, but all of these are associated with anxiety around the world.

1) Fear of rejection

This is a fear you need to lose if you want to pick up girls. Rejection is a myth that you have created for yourself. If you’re coming from the right energetic vibration, then you can never ever EVER be rejected.

You probably have no idea what I’m talking about.

To learn more about this and how to shift your energy, read this guide on picking up girls. It will teach you everything you need to know.

2) Not knowing what to say

This, for me, was what I believed to be the root cause of my approach anxiety. I could see a very attractive woman, all alone waiting to be approached, but I never did anything about it because I simply didn’t have a clue what to say to her.

If I had walked up to her and said, Hey, nervously, the conversation would have died instantly after her response.

3) Not being prepared

This is pretty much exactly the same as the last reason except it goes a little deeper.

4) Lack of self-confidence

approach anxiety meme

If you don’t think you’re worth it, why would she?

Also Read >>> How To Impress a Girl Without Trying to Hard.

5) Lack of experience

If you’ve never done something before, it’s going to be hard!

The problem is that so often people fail to see the true cause of their issues, such as the ones above, so they are never actually able to overcome that issue (in our case, approach anxiety).

When something is plaguing you, the first step to overcoming it is to figure out why it’s there. This is hardly ever done, especially for approach anxiety. So no matter what you do, if you fail to address the root causes, you will be stuck forever.
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

But now you know this. You can move forward, tackle each issue one by one (at the root), and overcome your approach anxiety forever…

How to Kill Crippling Approach Anxiety

kill approach anxiety

The best way to overcome approach anxiety is to practice. But don’t worry, though; I am not going to send you out in the wild unprepared.

With the tips below you will be well prepared and will help you overcome approach anxiety just like it did for me. 👇🏼

1) How to overcome your fear of getting rejected

Some say that approach anxiety is from the fear of rejection. Maybe it is for some, but I don’t think that is the root cause. I personally suffered from terrible approach anxiety and it had nothing to do with the fear of rejection.

I was so terrified of actually going up to the beautiful girl that rejection was the last thing on my mind. If you told me that there was a guarantee she would go home with me I still would have been paralyzed.
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

But regardless of me, if this is the only thing stopping you from approaching girls then you’re lucky. Because it’s ridiculous.

You are going to get rejected.

Let that soak into your head. It’s a fact.

The best of the best get rejected, and often. Being rejected is all part of the game. It’s a numbers game, and if you approach 10 girls you may be rejected by 9, but you’re going to get that one.

Just think about it this way. Who really cares?

Straight up, who really gives a shit if that girl over there rejects you. I promise you that the feeling of regret you will get if you don’t talk to her will be 100 times worse than the 10 seconds of pain you will get if she rejects you.

So learn to love rejection, because it’s going to happen a lot, especially in the beginning.

Sean’s tip:

If you reaaaally struggle with this I highly recommend joining The Ultimate dating Program. I honestly think this is one of the best dating programs in the dating world. We literally teach men how to attain and maintain women in a natural way (without doing pick-up).

We even host live Q&A sessions and will be offering personal coaching in the near future. Check it out, bro. 👇🏼



The Ultimate Dating Program
  • Learn how to get women without doing pick-up.
  • Completely eliminate the fear of talking to girls.
  • From the conversation to getting numbers, dates and inviting her to your place. 😏

2) How to fix Not knowing what to say

man doesn't know what to say

Again, this is another easy one. When you take time to sit back, look at the problem, and think of a solution, it’s obvious. Most people never do that.

So you see a hot girl and you want to talk to her and you don’t know what to say.

his is a good excuse to not go up and talk to her because you know you’re going to look like a fool and it will be awkward. This was my problem for years. I really didn’t care if she didn’t like me I just didn’t have a clue of what to say.

First, you need to decide what your style is. Direct or Indirect.

Direct Opening

Approaching a woman and being direct about your intentions from the start. ” Hey, I just noticed you and thought you were very beautiful. Would you like to have a drink sometime?”

Indirect Opening

Approaching a woman and being a pussy.

“Hey I have a quick question, my friend’s girlfriend caught him cheating blah blah blah I’m a big pussy.” 

Essentially you ask a question or advice, hoping to transition into the conversation and eventually seduction. I obviously don’t like this approach personally, but many do have good success with it.

So pick which one you like best and pick a line that you like. A fantastic way to start is to be simple and to the point.

Walk up to her, and say

“excuse me, I saw you and thought you were really cute, I just had to come to say hello to you. What’s your name?”

Two things can happen after this:

1) She says thank you and feels great about herself. You talk and it escalates to a number close, and possibly more.

2) She says thank you and feels great about herself. You talk and she’s not interested and sends you on your way.

Either way, you just made a girl feel good about herself while developing her social skills in. a completely normal way.

The more you do this approach the better you will get. Eventually, you will just walk up and say things like

“You’re gorgeous, why have I never seen you here before.”

Or whatever you may please.

The moral to this section is just figure out what you’re going to say to girls you want, tonight. Just pick what you like, write it down, say it out loud until you like how it sounds, and pin it into your brain. Practice on your lamp if you want, who cares. Now when you are out you will have no excuse. When you see that girl, you will know exactly what you are going to say.

3) How to fix Not being prepared

Guy approaching a woman while looking scared

Not being prepared is essentially like not knowing what to say when approaching women, with some added features. Once again, before you can just wing it, you need to be prepared with what you are going to say to girls. See above.

You also need to prepare for the other areas of your life.

1) Look clean and respectable whenever you go out. 

You never know where you are going to run into the girl of your dreams. You may be in the supermarket just running out to get a few things.

2) Smell good

There’s no point in being ready to pick up a chick at a moment’s notice if you left the house smelling like dog shit.

If you’re looking and smelling fresh and happen to bump into an old flame or see a new match ready to be lit, you will be good to go.

4) use visualization techniques

Visualization is a powerful technique that has helped me personally whenever I approach women that were waaay out of my league. Hell yeah, it even helped me overcome anxiety when I approached my wife in the streets of Bulgaria.

5) Always be prepared

If you don’t know how to be better prepared approaching women, go back to the previous section and read it again.

4) Lack of self-confidence

guy looking towards a woman

If you have a lack of self-confidence when it comes to approaching women, the only way to increase this is to start doing it more.

The more you do it, the more success you will have, and the more your confidence will grow. Eventually, it will become fun and you will be a cocky show-off. This may take years but will never happen unless you start.

If you have a lack of self-confidence because you think you’re ugly then you need to fix your thoughts. Again, look at Yad from the day game. 👇🏼


He’s not good looking and he can get almost any girl. He developed other areas of his game for attraction. Don’t use your looks as an excuse.

Related >>> 27+ Signs She’s SEXUALLY Attracted to You. 🥵

Start working out, or playing a sport to increase your self-confidence. Just don’t sit and mope because negative emotions grow on each other.

The more you sit on them and use them as an excuse the stronger they get. You need to resist them, get out of your comfort zone, and then you can change your brain.
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

5) how to overcome a Lack of experience

a man being social with woman

So you have put in the time and fixed all the above issues. You have overcome your fear of rejection, you know what you’re going to say, you are prepared and look good, and you are confident.

Congratulations, regardless of picking up women you have become a much better version of yourself. 🎉

But you still have approach anxiety! Why?

Because you have never approached, or hardly do. There’s still a hesitant nervousness that will stop you from walking right up to her and saying what you want. This is for everybody. 

Approach anxiety will forever be there until you just decide, fuck it, and rip through that hesitation and do it.

Even the best pick-up artists had this exact feeling, and some still do. The key is to overcome that feeling. This is the last step in the entire process.
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

The only way to get past this hesitation is to just go for it. No matter what advice anyone ever gives you, no matter how many articles you read, no matter how many months you have prepared yourself, this last step is all you.

No one can help you and it all comes from inside.

You may go out 20 times with the intent to approach a hot girl and chicken out. But one day you will hit a point where you just go for it. This first approach will be exhilarating. Your adrenaline will be pumping, and no matter what the result, you will feel great after.

If you did it once, you can do it 10 times. If you did it 10 times, you can do it 100 times. And once you do it 100 times, you will be on your way.

there is no logic behind approach anxiety

a funny guy at the bar talking to a group of women

You are so locked up in approach anxiety that you don’t even realize that it logically makes no sense. Step away from approach anxiety for a second and look at yourself from an outside point of view, like you are watching a movie.

You want something, that something is a girl. The chance to be with her, sleep with her, or maybe marry her.

When you see her you have 2 choices

  • Approach her, and try to get with her
  • Don’t approach her, because you are too nervous

Choice 1 can result in

  • Love/Sex/Eternal Happiness
  • A date
  • Rejection

Choice 2 can result in

  • Days of regret

Choice 1 is the only choice that makes any logical sense. You may get rejected, but who cares. You will have forgotten about that in 5 minutes.

By not approaching her the only option you are giving yourself is the last one every time.

Also Read >>> How To Get A girlfriend (Foolproof Guide). 🔥

Some more logic

a scientist researching a product

Approaching vs. not approaching comes down to this.

“Long-term gain/Short term discomfort vs. Short term comfort/Long term pain.”

Psychopath, RSD Nation

When I read that for the first time it blew my mind, not because I didn’t know that, but because I did.

At the core, every man knows this. The problem is that most men completely forget this when the time comes. Your mind melts when you see a girl you want to go after. Everything you spend hours pinning into your brain just disappears and your IQ drops instantly.

But it doesn’t have to. If you learn to center yourself, breathe, and remember that the regret of not talking to this girl will always be worse than any rejection, then you will start to realize that you have to talk to this girl.

Approaching a girl causes you to leave your comfort zone shortly for the potential of long-term happiness.

Not approaching a girl causes you short-term comfort, but results in the long-term pain of regret, being single, and never getting laid.

Every time you let approach anxiety win you are choosing regret over happiness.

Approach Anxiety When Doing Daygame

when we talking about approach anxiety, most people think it only exists when trying to talk to girls at bars or clubs.

But if you’re like me, then you love talking to women during the day – and approach anxiety exists during daygame as well.
Founder, CEO | Menprovement

Basically, the same approach anxiety cure listed above will solve this issue.

But if you want to really master talking to women during the day, check out this full guide on meeting women during the day. It will teach you how to completely kill your approach anxiety and talk to the hottest girls with confidence and ease.

Whether your hitting on the cute girl at the gym or you stop her on the street, I’ve got you covered.

3 bonus Tips for Overcoming Approach Anxiety

kill approach anxiety

No matter how prepared you are the first approach is going to be extremely difficult. There are a lot of things you can do to make it easier.

1) Start slow

You don’t have to go right into telling girls you want to sleep with them. Do yourself a favor a take a month where you simply just go up to women and ask them for the time. Or for directions.

This is not easy when you have approach anxiety. But this will be a great way to start getting into the habit of approaching and talking to women, without any pressure on the outcome.

2) Don’t put pressure on yourself

Don’t put any unnecessary pressure on yourself. You will develop at your own pace and can take as long as you want. Just relax and try to make it fun.

3) Find a friend

Find a buddy who is in the same state as you. I did all this by myself and it wasn’t the greatest thing ever.

If you can find a friend with the same interest, you two can motivate each other and make it fun or even competitive. This will really help you more than anything else.


This is a really good starting place for anyone to conquer approach anxiety. If you get one thing from this article it’s to just get out there and do it. You will never beat approach anxiety by reading.

Prepare, hit the streets, remember what you know, and go kill it.

If you want to learn more about becoming amazing with women, check out our 30 part video course called The Ultimate Dating Program on Menprovement X.

Learn More >>> Into Asian Girls? 10 Life Saving Tips!

Did you enjoy this article?

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Knowing how to sexually pleasure women is one of the most powerful ways to create deep confidence with the women you find attractive. You’ll know that you can give her sexual pleasure like she’s never felt before.

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This is the best online course for becoming amazing in bed that I have ever tried guys. I highly recommend it – there is no risk, only rewards. Just ask my wife : )

Meet The Author:


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